Naivasha April,28 2024

The National Land Commission Chairperson Gershom Otachi, alongside commissioners and CEO Kabale Tache Arero on Sunday afternoon joined the Deputy President H.E Rigathi Gachagua during the opening ceremony of a working retreat between the Executive and the Constitutional Commissions and Independent Office (CCIOs) in Naivasha, Nakuru County.
Accompanying the chairperson were vice chairperson Getrude Nguku, Commissioners Prof. James Tuitoek, Hon Kazungu Kambi, Hon. Esther Murugi, Reginald Okumu and Hubbie Hussein and the CEO.
Speaking while officially opening the three-day consultative forum, the Deputy President asked the Chapter 15 institutions to make use of all the avenues in resolving the disputes among them without resorting to the expensive and adversarial court processes.
He said that the Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices are key institutions that safeguard national values and principles of good governance as enshrined in the Constitution.
The DP challenged the Constitutional Commissions to cultivate the culture of constant consultation and collaboration noting that all the three arms of government and the two levels of government serve the people of Kenya.
On his part Mr Otachi who doubles up as the CCIOs’ Chairperson highlighted the several gains achieved by each of the Chapter 15 institutions.
While appreciating the efforts from the Office of the Deputy President in addressing the cross-cutting challenges faced by the Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices the chair assured the DP that all the CCIOs are working to ensure that they each contribute to national development.
Other speakers including Chief Justice Martha Koome, Council of Governors Chairperson Governor Ann Waiguru and Attorney General Justin Muturi underscored the need for collaboration between CCIOs and the national and county governments. They also challenged the executive to support and work collaboratively with the CCIOs.
Other notable Government officials present Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu, chairpersons and commissioners of CCIOs and CEOs of CCIOs.

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